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Tech Progressions Improving Electrophysiology to a Great Extent

Electrophysiology is an area of cardiology that has evolved dramatically in the recent past. Tech advancements, sophisticated tools, and scientific info have introduced various new procedures intended at solving intricate cardiological problems. Continuous research has allowed the expansion of novel concepts, new targets and forms of treatment, unavailable a few decades ago. Nowadays, nearly every arrhythmia can be treated in the electrophysiological lab.

What to Expect in near future for Electrophysiology?

Elderly people are one of the most pertinent elements with regards to how the necessity for electrophysiological procedures will evolve. The most predominant conditions needing sophisticated therapy are related to age. Atrial fibrillation, ventricular arrhythmias, heart failure, post-myocardial infarction or cardiac pacing for bradycardic problems are the most significant ones. 

In all these matters, the growing requirement for invasive procedures and device implants will test the capabilities to provide and answer to the real needs of patients. 

Sophisticated techniques used only by some for treating few patients might be scientifically interesting but are socially inappropriate. There is a need for accessible techniques that can be achieved by most of the centres and expand the tools and the training of physicians so that, the therapies can be offered to large number of patients requiring them.

What New Developments Can Take Place?  

New 3-D mapping techniques combined with automatic identification of the target area are in the pipeline. The electrophysiologist will challenge the area of interest with technology. 

Robot-guided catheters will be eliminated. Instant electrical mapping together with anatomical descriptions will recognize the area that will to be removed by a single shot, with the use of a safe and highly effective energy. The next gen will combine all these techniques without catheters, identifying the site of interest and transporting the energy non-invasively.

Leadless pacemakers are already in existence, so the next expansions will perhaps be seen in chip implants, auto-rechargeable, and easily deliverable to diverse heart areas. 

In sudden cardiac death prevention, devices will become smaller. Leadless methods will evolve toward chip-related implants and novel energy sources, diverse and less aggressive than DC shock, will be obtainable.

External defibrillators will be available, perhaps in the car, at home as a home appliance, and in all public places.

We will better comprehend the genetics of cardiac arrhythmias, and these will open the door to genetic therapies: not just embryonic selection but also therapies correcting genetic defects with the use of tools that will allow editing genes and modifying anomalies.

Many advances will be in action very soon, others will need time, and some of them need political and ethical support because they are much more than treating patients and may change the nature of the humans.

Coming to a Conclusion

It is quite clear that electrophysiology has evolved like anything, and it is still growing, and due to the increasing advancements in technology happening all over the world, the total demand for electrophysiology will reach a value of USD 17,482.7 million by the end of this decade.

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