Complementary and alternative medicine, if we talk about the same in a broader sense, it can be a medicine which can complement or be used as an alternative to the mainstream therapies.
When a person is suffering from a condition, he/ she does not always only take the mainstream medicine or treatment, but also finds for some treatment. That is able to compliment the mainstream treatment and speed up the treatment.
Here in this blog, we will talk about some of the ancient therapies that are used as a complimentary medicine, and are also backed by people to be good in some or the other way.
Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine practice, which makes the use of needles for stimulation of precise points around the body. The person performing this therapy sticks thin, sterile needles into the skin of the person, receiving a treatment. The objective of this treatment is to boost the natural healing process of the body.
This form of alternative medicine can come in handy for treating numerous conditions, such as back and neck pain, anxiety, nausea, depression, insomnia, infertility, and a lot more. Even if a person is under some medication, acupuncture does not interfere with the same.
Chiropractic Medicine
This practice focuses on the body’s structure, mainly the spine and the functions of the same. A chiropractor employs a number of techniques for adjusting your spine or other body parts so that they are kept in good form, or position.
Chiropractic medicine work well for providing relief from body pain, improve the functions of the body, and to provide support in the process of natural body healing.
It is taken into consideration by the people suffering with back pain, and that too especially in the lower portion focused on low back pain. But it is not that chiropractic cannot prove its worth in numerous other ailments, such as neck pain, headache, issues with joints of the upper and lower body, and conditions that are brought about by whiplash.
Magnetic Field Therapy
This kind of therapy makes use of electrical and magnetic fields for treatment of a number of musculoskeletal issues. This therapy is proven to come good for osteoarthritis and other conditions, which cause pain. It can also help in the faster healing of the fractures.
Magnetic field therapy might not be suitable for you if you are pregnant, have got a pacemaker in your heart, are a diabetic and making use of an insulin pump, or taking a drug, which is administered by patch.
These are just a few of the therapies, which are used as an alternative or a complementary medicine, there a lot more to add to these. Ayurveda is also termed as a form of alternative medicine, and it is proven to provide relief in a number of conditions. Not just Ayurveda, but the homeopathic medicine is also not considered a part of the mainstream medicine, but an alternative medicine.
There is a rising awareness toward these alternative medicine, because of the people becoming aware of various side-effects of allopathic medicines.